Legal notice

Legal notice

Disclosures pursuant to Section 5 of the Telemedia Act (TMG)

Haslinger GmbH Metallbau
Gewerbefeld 2
94501 Aldersbach-Uttigkofen, Germany

Represented by

Mr Karl Haslinger
Ms Annemarie Haslinger


Phone: +49 8543 9618-0
Fax: +49 85439618-60


Contact details of our responsible department according to the The German Whistleblower Protection Act:

Register entry

Entry in the commercial register.
Registration office: Passau District Court
Registration number: HRB no. 2747


VAT ID number pursuant to Section 27a of the VAT Act (UStG): DE 812086620

Responsible for content pursuant to Section 55(2) of the German Interstate Broadcasting Agreement (RStV)

Thomas Haslinger (Management Assistant, Quality Management)
Gewerbefeld 2
94501 Aldersbach-Uttigkofen, Germany

Identification of sources for images and graphics the used

Andreas Huber


Disclaimer of liability

Liability for content

As a service provider, we are responsible for our own content on this website according to general laws pursuant to Section 7 (1) of the Telemedia Act (TMG). However, pursuant to Section 8 through 10 of the Telemedia Act (TMG), we as a service provider are not obliged to monitor transmitted or stored external information, nor to search for circumstances that indicate illegal activity. Obligations to remove or block the use of information according to general laws remain unaffected. However, liability in this regard can only be assumed beginning at the point in time when we gain knowledge of a concrete legal violation. Should corresponding legal violations become known, we shall remove the applicable content promptly.

Liability for links

Our website contains links to the external websites of third parties. We cannot influence the content of such third-party sites. As a result, we assume no liability for third-party content. Liability for the content of linked pages rests solely with the respective provider or website operator. The linked pages were reviewed for possible legal violations at the time they were linked. Illegal content was not apparent at the time of linking. However, permanently monitoring the content of linked pages with no concrete evidence of legal violations is not reasonable. Should we become aware of legal violations, the corresponding links shall be removed promptly.


The contents and works created on this website by the site operator are subject to German copyright. Duplication, editing, dissemination and exploitation of any kind outside the limits of copyright law requires the written permission of the respective author or originator. Downloads and copies of this website are only permitted for private but not for commercial use. To the extent that content on this page was not created by the operator, third-party copyright was observed. In particular, third-party content is identified as such. Should you notice a copyright violation regardless, please inform us accordingly. Should we become aware of legal violations, the corresponding content shall be removed promptly.
